The Oratorio della Grotta, an oratory divided into four chapels, is a liturgical itinerary covering the essential stages in the life of Christ, a spiritual journey that echoes the pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
The Calvario Chapel contains a group of statues depicting the Lamentation of Christ, from the early 16th century, which expresses the personal participation of the faithful in the “experience of the sepulchre”, and it is part of the centuries-old tradition of holy imagery that was so much a part of liturgical life in Christian communities from the Middle Ages. The oratory, which is an integral part of the Albani Museum houses an important part of the collection and is also used to host temporary exhibitions to showcase its heritage.
Chapel of Nativity
In this chapel there is a important picture on the altar. The painter is Emilio Taruffi from Boulogne. This work was made in 17th century. The picture represent the shepherd’s adore.
Chapel of Crucifixion
This is the best chapel of crypt. It is situated under the dome of church and is dedicate at the Crucified. In XVII century a great earthquake shock destroyed the Cathedral and the dome had plunged down and damaged this chapel. It had reconstituted from the same architect that reconstitute the Cathedral; his name is Valadier. The plasters on the ceiling had made from other architect: his name is Muzio Oddi (the work was made in XIX century).
Chapel of Dead of Christ
In this chapel there is a very beautiful and important statue. That represent the Christ dead with his Mother. The sculptor is Giovanni Bandini from Florence and it was made in XVI century. In the picture on the altar is represented Annunciation of Angel to Mary.
In this chapel you can see two great book: they are a copy of a Bible wanted from Federico Duke of Urbino, for his important library into the Ducal Palace. Today the original Bible was conserved into the Vatican Museum in Rome. In this Chapel was buried Federico Ubaldo della Rovere son of the last duke of Urbino death at 18 years.
Chapel of Calvary
This chapel is originary untitled at resurrection of Christ and had bought from the Crucified’s company in XVII century. In this chapel we can see the represent of Calvary. In the top there are tree cross and in the down there is the sepulchre of Jesus: here had disposed the group of statue’s in earthenware (hand of XV sec.). These represent the Lamented for Christ dead. Today the statues have been restored and disposed in front of Calvary. During the second world war in crypt was kept the treasure of church of San Marco’s Church in Venice for protect its from invaders